Happy Mother's Day, a brief history of Mother's Day and its origins.

Mother's Day is just around the corner!

Mother's Day is quickly approaching, and as we prepare, you may wonder when and where this tradition started? 

You can find celebrations tied to motherhood dating back to ancient Greek and Roman cultures who would hold festivals in order to honour their goddesses Rhea and Cybele as well as ancient festivals in India honouring the goddess Durga which to this day remains an important festival in India. 

All over the world depending on where you live, Mother's Day has been a long standing tradition. It is a celebration honouring motherhood and maternal bonds and focuses on celebrating mothers and maternal figures for all they do. Even though this celebration is different all over the world, one common element stays the same. It's the day that we show our thanks and gratitude for their role in our lives.

More recently, in most parts of the UK and Europe the celebration was tied to the Christian celebration of Easter and fell of the 4th Sunday of Lent called the "Mothering Sunday." 

The modern version of Mother's Day is observed in most parts of the world falls on the second Sunday in May while other countries celebrate during different months of the year. 

Mother's Day as most people know it, originated in America by Anna Jarvis in 1907. She started this as a tribute to her own mother every year until it became recognized as a holiday across the U.S in 1911. 

One thing is clear about Mother's Day, which ever way you celebrate, we all value the maternal role in how it has shaped us to be. None of us would be here if it weren't for mothers. So cheers to all mothers, grandmothers, mothers in law and maternal figures in the world for all their wonderful contributions in our personal lives and in society!

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